Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 3 of Sundae's visit

On Sun 290309, I took Sundae to meet some friends. She wasnt put in her crate like she would normally be. She jumped up into the backseat and as i drove, she just looked out of the window.
Still looking out of the window from the rear of the car.

She surprised me by behaving so very well in the car, she either sat down or peeped out of the window.
Sundae was treated to ice cream by Joey's Mum, Aunty G.

Sundae waiting patiently as we watched the on going on stage.

We had gone to see Joey do a 'live' Search and Rescue demo organised in junction with SCDF
Sundae / Joey / Pepper (Fiffy's regular companion and dog of Fi's Godma, Aunt M)

Happy Dae in the garden everyday, either checking garden out or playing frisbee.

Dae with her 'tulang' given to her by Fi's Godma. Her exclaimation upon seeing Sundae for the very 1st time....."Oh, they look so alike".

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