it has been more than 8 months since my fiffy-ger left to doggie paradise. There had been many 'knowings' / messages that came forth during that 'difficult' period for Fi's entire human family members / her GodMa M and myself.
There were many dreams of Fiffy-Ger. Some of her being mischievous / some sad / some 'enlightening' ones on her 'sudden' death.
Physical death = eternal life. I am comforted knowing that she is safe with GOD.
Someone said that our dogs dont stay with us for so long cos they dont have issues like we do.
Some of U may know / not know how Alfie came into my life. I personally would not have gone to a pet shop to buy a dog. I prefer to adopt one and thats what I did. It wasnt that her former owners didnt love her, they loved her lots. Unknown to them / me, they had somehow "selected" her for me. Fiffy, as she is affectionately called, came into my life through some unusual circumstances.
I saw/knew/played with Fi when she was a puppy. Twice or thrice weekly, we would go for walks around her neighbourhood, Bishan Park etc. Prior to my formally adopting her in Feb 2004, she would stay over with me every Thursday in my former home.
Her former owners had named her Alfie as their own names start with the alphabet "A" . I didnt change her name upon adopting her. Her boyish name was so suitable for her as she was such a gangsta ger, totally unafraid and so very courageous, game for anything and everything! She thoroughly enjoyed her Search / Rescue training so so much and I enjoyed watching her 'in action'. Its a pity/sad, her young life(050403-020908) ended so suddenly due to another dog owner's GROSS CARE-LESS-NESS and MERE ARROGANCE, with TOTAL DISREGARD of our laws. My small young bitch is even much more intelligent than that two legged brain-dead BITCH! All animals are far more intelligent than we ever give them credit for. Ask any animal lover this!
Many 'unknown' things happen in our lives for which we can never comprehend / forsee and Fi's entry into my life is one of such. We had such great fun together, went almost everywhere together. I would boycott those people / places that didnt accept / respect /snubbed her presence. She was a very big part of my life and everything that I did revolved around her well being / happiness!
To My Most Precious Gem, Fiffy,
U are my greatest HERO in my life. Thank U for all the happiness / laughter U brought into my life. These are the unforgettable times in my life. Your love is so unconditional, so forgiving, so ungrudging. You are the little one with the biggest heart I have ever known! A heart like a mountain! You were so full of love and life and U are so so so alive filled with so so so much love in my heart!